(revised March 20, 2024)
ARTICLE I. NAME This organization shall be known as the Orcas Island Garden Club.
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE The purpose of the Orcas Island Garden Club shall be to stimulate knowledge
and love of gardening, to cooperate in the protection and conservation of nature, and to assist in the
beautification of the community.
Section 1. General Membership. Membership shall be open to any person interested in gardening.
Membership in the Garden Club is an annual process beginning in September.
Section 1. Unless otherwise announced, regular board meetings of the Garden Club shall be held on the
3rd Monday, September through May, except November and December, when the meetings will be held
on the second Monday. No meetings will be held in July & August.
Section 2. Special meetings of the board may be called by the President. The purpose of the meeting
shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be addressed.
Section 3. The board of directors may permit any or all directors to participate in a regular or special
meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all
directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during this meeting. A director participating in
a meeting by this means shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 1. The officers shall be the Executive Board, Program Committee Chair, Membership Committee
Chair, Garden Tour Chair, and Communications Chair. More than one person may co-chair a committee.
Section 2. Each officer shall be elected for a term of one year. The current board president will meet with
each board member to determine their decision on whether they wish to remain on the board. Should any
officer be unable to complete a full term of office, the Executive Board shall appoint an interim person to
fill the vacancy.
Section 3. Open board positions will be communicated to all members in February and nominations will
be accepted through March. The board will make selections and will present the new officers to the
membership at the May meeting. The board will designate one of the board members to be President
Elect. The newly elected officers shall be installed at the June picnic and shall assume their duties after
the installation.
Section 1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Garden Club. In the absence of
the President, a member of the Board shall preside at meetings of the general membership and Executive
Board. The President shall be a member of the Program Committee.
Section 2. Program Chair: The Program Committee Chair shall be responsible for contacting speakers
and/or creating programs for regular meetings of the club.
Section 3. Membership Chair: The Membership Chair shall be responsible for recruiting new members,
soliciting membership dues, developing and maintaining a current membership database.
Section 4. Garden Tour Chair: The Garden Tour Chair shall be responsible for planning and implementing
the Garden Tour.
Section 5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep an account of the funds and a record of all transactions.
Financial reports shall be presented at meetings of the Board as directed by the President.
Section 6. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board. The
Secretary shall be the custodian of all papers and records pertaining to that office.
Section 7. Communications Chair: the Communications Chair shall be responsible for preparing notices
and press releases informing the community about Garden Club programs and activities.
Section 1. Standing Committees are constituted to perform continuing functions and they remain in
existence until they are abolished by the Executive Board. The Standing Committees are Program,
Membership, Garden Tour, and Audit.
Section 2. The Audit Committee shall be composed of the President, immediate past Treasurer and new
Treasurer. The account books shall be audited at the end of the Treasurer’s term.
Section 3. Special Committees and Positions are constituted to perform continuing functions. However,
their chairs are appointed by the President or designee. Chairs of Special Committees and Positions are
welcome but not required to attend Executive Board meetings. Like Standing Committees, Special
Committees and Positions shall remain in existence until they are abolished by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Ad-hoc Committees: An ad-hoc committee is a committee appointed as the need arises to
carry out a specific task. At the completion of the task and after presentation of a final report, the
committee shall automatically cease to exist.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT OF THE BYLAWS. The bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by
the Board of Directors by a majority of a quorum vote at any regular or special meeting. The text of the
proposed change shall be distributed to all board members at least ten (10) days before the meeting.
ARTICLE XIII: RECALL OF OFFICERS: The recall of an officer other than the president may be
achieved by a simple majority vote of the Board. In the case of the President, a recall may be achieved by
a majority vote of the Board to call a special meeting of the membership for the purpose of recall. The
meeting will be chaired by the Program Committee Chair. A majority vote of those present shall constitute
a recall of the President.
Draft revisions approved by the OIGC Board on February 19, 2024. Approved by majority vote of membership present at March 20, 2024 meeting.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Laura Walker, Kate Yturri, Tony Suruda, and Vala Ross.
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE The purpose of the Orcas Island Garden Club shall be to stimulate knowledge
and love of gardening, to cooperate in the protection and conservation of nature, and to assist in the
beautification of the community.
Section 1. General Membership. Membership shall be open to any person interested in gardening.
Membership in the Garden Club is an annual process beginning in September.
Section 1. Unless otherwise announced, regular board meetings of the Garden Club shall be held on the
3rd Monday, September through May, except November and December, when the meetings will be held
on the second Monday. No meetings will be held in July & August.
Section 2. Special meetings of the board may be called by the President. The purpose of the meeting
shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be addressed.
Section 3. The board of directors may permit any or all directors to participate in a regular or special
meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all
directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during this meeting. A director participating in
a meeting by this means shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 1. The officers shall be the Executive Board, Program Committee Chair, Membership Committee
Chair, Garden Tour Chair, and Communications Chair. More than one person may co-chair a committee.
Section 2. Each officer shall be elected for a term of one year. The current board president will meet with
each board member to determine their decision on whether they wish to remain on the board. Should any
officer be unable to complete a full term of office, the Executive Board shall appoint an interim person to
fill the vacancy.
Section 3. Open board positions will be communicated to all members in February and nominations will
be accepted through March. The board will make selections and will present the new officers to the
membership at the May meeting. The board will designate one of the board members to be President
Elect. The newly elected officers shall be installed at the June picnic and shall assume their duties after
the installation.
Section 1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Garden Club. In the absence of
the President, a member of the Board shall preside at meetings of the general membership and Executive
Board. The President shall be a member of the Program Committee.
Section 2. Program Chair: The Program Committee Chair shall be responsible for contacting speakers
and/or creating programs for regular meetings of the club.
Section 3. Membership Chair: The Membership Chair shall be responsible for recruiting new members,
soliciting membership dues, developing and maintaining a current membership database.
Section 4. Garden Tour Chair: The Garden Tour Chair shall be responsible for planning and implementing
the Garden Tour.
Section 5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep an account of the funds and a record of all transactions.
Financial reports shall be presented at meetings of the Board as directed by the President.
Section 6. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board. The
Secretary shall be the custodian of all papers and records pertaining to that office.
Section 7. Communications Chair: the Communications Chair shall be responsible for preparing notices
and press releases informing the community about Garden Club programs and activities.
Section 1. Standing Committees are constituted to perform continuing functions and they remain in
existence until they are abolished by the Executive Board. The Standing Committees are Program,
Membership, Garden Tour, and Audit.
Section 2. The Audit Committee shall be composed of the President, immediate past Treasurer and new
Treasurer. The account books shall be audited at the end of the Treasurer’s term.
Section 3. Special Committees and Positions are constituted to perform continuing functions. However,
their chairs are appointed by the President or designee. Chairs of Special Committees and Positions are
welcome but not required to attend Executive Board meetings. Like Standing Committees, Special
Committees and Positions shall remain in existence until they are abolished by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Ad-hoc Committees: An ad-hoc committee is a committee appointed as the need arises to
carry out a specific task. At the completion of the task and after presentation of a final report, the
committee shall automatically cease to exist.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT OF THE BYLAWS. The bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by
the Board of Directors by a majority of a quorum vote at any regular or special meeting. The text of the
proposed change shall be distributed to all board members at least ten (10) days before the meeting.
ARTICLE XIII: RECALL OF OFFICERS: The recall of an officer other than the president may be
achieved by a simple majority vote of the Board. In the case of the President, a recall may be achieved by
a majority vote of the Board to call a special meeting of the membership for the purpose of recall. The
meeting will be chaired by the Program Committee Chair. A majority vote of those present shall constitute
a recall of the President.
Draft revisions approved by the OIGC Board on February 19, 2024. Approved by majority vote of membership present at March 20, 2024 meeting.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Laura Walker, Kate Yturri, Tony Suruda, and Vala Ross.